Exposing myself more to new ideas and perspectives. The Habits of Mind that we focus on at PSU are: purposeful communication, problem-solving, integrated perspective, and self-regulated learning.Some of my strengths that can further enhance my habit of mind are: The short answer is that the Habits of Mind are neither something new, or something extra. Some past experiences I had with my habit of mind was asking some questions about stuff I wanted to know more about and also going out more, reading and going to some events, that helped me learn new stuff I didn't knew about before and also encouraged me to be a little more open. The habits of mind the routines of the affective system enable us to associate those emotions (and feelings that follow them) with the corresponding experiences. Attending workshops, seminars or even other events can help you be exposed to new ideas and experiences.Take up a new hobby or learn a new skill.Envision: Mentally picture the next possible steps in my work. Changing Habits: Using Your Conscious Mind to Properly Program Your Subconscious Mind. Engage and Persist: Embrace important artistic problems and develop focus within my work. Encourage yourself to ask questions every time you are confused or want to know more about something. However, we know these thoughts and images are still in your brain.Persistence is the ability to remain focused on a task, and to follow through to completion. To foster curiosity, it's important to create an environment where asking questions and exploring new stuff/ideas is encouraged The 16 habits of mind, or the 16 thinking habits that will make you smarter, are the following: 1. Too many business leaders are simply not reasoning through pressing issues, and it’s hurting their organizations.