The same information is available in the interactive Help system within HyperRESEARCH.
A printable PDF version is within the "Documents" folder in the "HyperRESEARCH" folder in Applications (Mac) or Programs (Windows). The HyperRESEARCH User Guide is installed with every copy of HyperRESEARCH. Contact us if you'd like a continuous 1-hour video rather than the four 15-minute segments. You may also use the videos in your workshop or class. Watch it for your own use, or direct your students or workshop attendees to the videos. It covers "code and retrieve" with the software. Our hour-long "HyperRESEARCH Basics" webinar (in four parts) may be helpful. These are small studies that fall within the limits of the Free Limited Edition so that changes can be made by students trying out the software (provided that the limits in the number of cases and codes aren't exceeded). Presenters are also welcome to use the sample studies included with the software.
This allows teachers and workshop presenters to create a sample study for students and workshop participants to see the full capabilities of HyperRESEARCH. Changes to the study will not be possible, but users can view the study, filter cases and codes, and create Reports without needing a license. This allows the Free Limited Edition to be used as a "player" or "viewer" for HyperRESEARCH studies of any size. Please note: there are no restrictions on the size of a study the Free Limited Edition can open. The specific restrictions in the Free Limited Edition are: The Free Limited Edition can be installed on as many computers as you like. Unlocking the software to gain full capabilities is a simple matter of purchasing and inputting a license key. There is no time limit on the Free Limited Edition once installed on the computer it will continue to function, although in the "limited edition" state. The "Free Limited Edition" is a locked version of HyperRESEARCH that imposes restrictions on the size of the study file a user can create.

Thank you for contacting us for assistance with your HyperRESEARCH or HyperTRANSCRIBE workshop, presentation, or use in class!