Strengthen your child's abilities through steady practice.Fully integrate hands-on experiences and exploration.Provide an effective, multi-sensory approach for your student.Saxon Math K helps you teach the foundational skills children require, including oral counting recognizing and sequencing numbers acting out addition and subtraction stories counting with one-to-one correspondence identifying and counting pennies, nickels, and dimes sorting telling time to the hour and using a calendar.

Start your child off the right way in math with a clearly designed, hands on program already proven by thousands of homeschoolers across the country. I completely recommend it as a preschool math curriculum, or for a child you are not sure is ready for kindergarten even though they are turning five.Saxon Math K includes everything you need to teach kindergarten math concepts to your child! Like the recommendations I read, it really is very easy for kindergarten. If you get the manipulative kit (which I really recommend!) your child will have fun playing learning with pattern blocks, linking cubes, dominoes, teddy bear counters, geo boards, and more! Every lesson my kids ask to play with the manipulatives after the lesson is over. I was getting burned out planning all of our lessons (which I love to do, but there are only so many hours in the day), so I love being able to just glance at the lessons and grab the needed manipulatives right before we start. Everything is done with manipulatives, which I love! The lessons are scripted, which is a very welcomed break for me. There are no worksheets, no written work at all for your child. If this is your child’s first experience with math concepts, one a day (like it is written for) would be great. The lessons are short and very basic, so sometimes we do two in a day. Next, each lesson is followed with new teaching material. It practices counting skills (up to 31 which is helpful for my daughter), reading skills, patterns (each month has a new pattern to color in the dates with), and obviously calendar skills (days of the week, months of the year, etc.) When my son was three, I purposefully taught him these things, but I realized that I just hadn’t thought to do it with my daughter, so this is a really great teaching tool for her and great reinforcement time for my son. Basically we add a new date to the calendar and learn about new information on a calendar. Each lesson starts with the Meeting Book. The kids were thrilled when the box with all the manipulatives came in the mail, and we have all loved the fun, simple lessons.

They said that the kindergarten curriculum was more on the preschool level, but because I wanted to use it with both my three and five-year-old, I thought it would be just right for us. We are still using Ray’s a couple days a week, but I wanted to incorporate something that would also provide practice in some classic kindergarten type skills (patterns, basic measuring, calendar reading, etc.) What about Kindergarten Saxon math?Īfter consulting a few classical homeschooling references, I decided to give Saxon a try. We have been using Ray’s Arithmetic and it has provided my son with a fantastic understanding of how addition and subtraction works. I have a five-year-old and a three-year-old and at the turn of the year I was feeling like I wanted to change up our math routine a bit.